The Christmas Card Collection is finally out!

Nohelia Vázquez

I love sending, receiving and collecting postcards. Since I opened my shop, postcards have been the main product type I sell, so it is no surprise that I have added not one but two Christmas Sets of Postcards!


I made one set with markers and color pencils, and the other with traditional watercolor techniques.


 With markers, I was exploring and learning to use the medium. I'm more of a watercolorist


I always make handmade cards during Christmas, I've turned some of those illustrations into cards


Creative Process: Markers

At first I used only alcohol based markers (mainly ProMarker from W&N), I would use two layers to darken bigger areas, and darker shades for more obvious dark spots. For highlights I would just use a white acrylic pen.

At the beginning I painted very generic Christmas themes. Then I started incorporating more quirky things (or what I consider quirky), and using as well fineliners.

I never liked this drawing enough to make it into a card

Towards the end I started using color pencils and acrylic pens of other colors for details, in addition to drawing Nordic themes

Cute bird family wearing Christmas sweaters


The sets are obviously available on this website, but also can be bought via Etsy





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